Monday, March 12, 2012

New Technology

Today I found in my Google Alerts on technology. They made a tiny TV camera implanted in the electrodes in the brain so that the blind may be able to see again. But this new technology, of course, brought up an ethics argument. Is it right to just hook up a blind person to this new out coming of technology?? We can't test it on animals because that is just inhuman & PEDA would not be very happy about that. I think if someone is up for the test, why not?! It's their personal choice. We are not even sure if this device will cause severe side effects. You never know 'till you try!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Facebook at Work.

Should your future employers be able get on your actual Facebook using your password to see if there is questionable content on there? I think that they have no right to get on your actual Facebook. I realize that they are just trying to see if their employee is a really good person but it does not need to be taking to such an extreme measure to where they can get onto your personal account. I believe that is a complete violation of the American Right of the First Amendment. Facebook is there to share what is going on in your life OUTSIDE of work.

Dear Future Interviewer,

I will not give you my password, so don't ask. Thanks.


Google Privacy Policy

The Prezi my Group made on the New Policy on Google